Our Projects
The Movie
“Raising Different” is a true life movie based on Autism Awareness and the struggles families in Africa go through raising a different child.
The movie “Raising Different” is based on the personal experience of the founder Mrs. Dorcas Oluwaponmile as a mother of a beautiful girl who was diagnosed with ASD at age three. She established this foundation with other partners and professionals, after her daughter Hadassah was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
“Raising Different” shows the emotional, psychological and financial pressure homes with Children on the spectrum go through in Africa. This movie also educates its viewers on the signs and symptoms of autism spectrum disorder, such as Social Impairment, repetitive behavior, Stereotyped behavior, Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication difficulties, Sleep Disorder, Food Disorder, sensory processing disorders, amongst others. In line with the CDC campaign on children Developmental Milestone “Learn the Sign, Act early’, ‘Raising Different” shall also be educating Parents, teachers and other stakeholders on the expected developmental milestones for children from 2 months to five years.