What we do
We create awareness and sensitization of good nutrition and early signs of autism spectrum disorder
Hadassah Developmental Care and Nutrition Foundation has been established to create the awareness and sensitization of good nutrition and early signs of autism spectrum disorder and other related Disorders affecting Working with professionals in educating parents and other stakeholders on the available assistance for persons with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Creating awareness of ASD and other related disorders, good nutrition and the importance of showing supports towards our individuals, HDCN enlightens parents, teachers and other stakeholders on these things.
We provide help for parents and primary caregivers

Help for parents and caregivers
At HDCN Foundation, we provide help for parents and primary caregivers of persons living with autism and other related development disorders, and provide an autism center where parents of autistic persons receive counselling, training, and therapy for standard learning center for autistic persons where they also receive therapy, treatment and learn.
We organize fun activities and events for persons living with Autism and other related disorders.

Musical concerts, Exhibitions, Shows and other Arts
At HDCN Foundation, we organize soul lifting musical concerts, exhibitions and shows and other Arts and entertainment programs, to raise funds to support persons living with ASD and related and related disorders and their families. Hadassah Developmental Care And Nutrition Foundation utilizes music, Arts and crafts in creating a conducive environment for persons living with ASD and their families, we help empower and build the financial capacity of parents and caregivers of Autistic children, we empower care givers with the knowledge of caring for autistic children. Our foundation help provide caregivers for specified period to assist children living with ASD and their families, giving solace and providing emotional support to children living with ASD and their families.
We provide basic amenities such as food, clothing, shelter and food supplements

Basic needs for people living with ASD and other related disorders
At HDCN Foundation we provide basic amenities such as food, clothing, shelter and food supplements for persons living with ASD and other related disorders and their families, we collaborate with other professionals to provide counselling and other mental health needs for persons living with ASD and other related disorders and their families, we empower the parents/primary caregivers of persons living with ASD and other related disorders with skills that may generate income to care for our individuals. Working with other professionals we assist in providing emotional. mental, psychological, financial and spiritual support for persons living with ASD / Related disorders and their families.
We organize award shows

Award for persons living with ASD and other related Disorders
At HDCN Foundation, we organize award shows, to appreciate persons living with ASD and other related Disorders, their families and other professionals / organizations, who help and support our individuals. These award shows are our own ways of appreciating these individuals for their excellent work in the field of ASD and related disorders.